Not really a big change to my page but I thought I'd talk about this.
NUMBERS seems to be the most liked even outside of Newgrounds (wow I have a life outside of Newgrounds, crazy right?) out of my 6 songs I have here. That being said, Clouds actually has the highest score (as far as I know). The reason is because some uncooked water bottle is rating some of my songs as 0 stars for no known reason. There are no public ratings on any of my songs, but there is a way to check what the current average of the votes are. I won't explain this too much, but I can get it from a single notification (from people making a written review on my stuff).
I just thought I'd mention that so that when the ratings become public, the lower score makes sense. Whoever's doing this is likely just doing it to look cool (try harder lol) and doesn't actually dislike my stuff.
Oh also the new No Sides Taken probably won't be finished anytime soon. I currently have 4 new measures done.
Chromegus if you're reading this my labyrinth entry should be finished by tomorrow I swear I've been working on it-